months ago I shared in an entry entitled exercise, fitness, caregiving for Multiple Sclerosis:
“Across the years of caregiving, I’d guestimate I’ve pushed Patti’s wheelchairs at least 5,000 miles (8,000 kilometers). …
…As sweat stains your shirt you only need ask yourself - how many people do you know who will step in to push the person you care for up the hills and across the years?”
in retrospect at the change in narrative from first person to third person,
would it have given away my mounting anxieties over my own health had I phrased
it in the first person, “how many people do I know who will step in to push …”
this entry into my lung cancer odyssey timeline, I was alone and scared. It was one month since I had learned of my vague nodular density in my lung.
Everyone and anyone I knew, to paraphrase Jay-Z, had “99 Problems of their own … but the time to hear about my fears of lung cancer just wasn’t one of them”.
Everyone and anyone I knew, to paraphrase Jay-Z, had “99 Problems of their own … but the time to hear about my fears of lung cancer just wasn’t one of them”.
ironic that in the real world, the dementia wild card trumps a lung cancer
diagnosis – Patti still is only aware “in the now” of my diagnosis if I jump
through all the hoops of explaining from scratch … often forgetting before I
can finish explaining.
Soooo in
retrospect, my lung cancer odyssey has been a humbling fall from the dizzying
heights of hubris as a spouse caregiver.
I am the
one who has awaken every morning for 23+ years and “chosen” to be her caregiver.
Patti never chose to have MS.
symptoms whether Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s or other chronic diseases
erase so much more than just memories and time.
hubris can only confuse distinguishing the person we knew 'then' from the person we
care for 'today'.
So join
us in raising a glass to Ralph Waldo Emerson, “With the past, I have nothing to
do; nor with the future. I live now.”
Patrick Leer
Health Activist:
Caregivingly Yours, MS Caregiver @ http://caregivinglyyours.blogspot.com/
My Lung Cancer Odyssey @ http://lung-cancer-survivor.blogspot.com/