Friday, February 06, 2009

MS and Cognition: a caregiver's perspective

Thank You, to the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation for including “our story” in their Winter 2009 issue of MSFocus Magazine. View “A Caregiver’s Perspective: MS and Cognition” in MSFocus on line, pages 36 and 37.

Or view the article below:

Our then elementary-school-age daughter discovered the first clue: Her mom laughed hysterically at the word “brick.” Then came the day I opened our monthly credit card bill to find $2,000 in charges from a home shopping network.

Homecare agencies cancelled our aides due to incidents involving my wife, Patti’s, verbal and physical outbursts. Finally, I returned home one afternoon to discover our stove top on fire while Patti sat unconcerned or unaware at the kitchen table.

Looking back, were there earlier clues that my wife’s MS symptoms might not stop with the physical? Yes, but who knew to look? We were still reeling from the physical symptoms of Patti’s diagnosis and trying to learn to live with MS as a family. In a few short years, my wife had become wheelchair-bound. We were swamped in physical adaptations, and in the early and mid-1990s, cognitive problems associated with MS were simply not mentioned very often.

Now researchers tell us that MS can, in some cases, cause permanent cognitive problems. In Patti’s case, those problems are profound. (click to continue …)

Caregivingly Yours, Patrick Leer


  1. Congratulations hon on having your story highlighted. I found it informative and helpful. (Hugs)Indigo

  2. I'm glad your story was able to be highlighted in this magazine, just sorry that you had a story to tell in this type of magazine. I "enjoyed" reading it, if one can enjoy reading such an article dealing with a terrible disease like MS and its impact on the family.....

    but in saying all this, can I have your autograph?? now that you are a published author??

    take care Patrick


  3. Wonderful that your story was included. It is very clear that what you do and how you do it help many people, not just your own family. ~Mary

  4. Congrulations! When I was reading my magazine and seen your article I was showing everyone! I also tell others about you because I read your blog and you have really helped me in so many ways. :o) So I know if you help me as much as you do, then think of the amount that you have helped through the magazine and of course this blog. :o) Thank you Patrick,


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