Ever watch the ‘dance of the questions’ that flitter around anyone with visible chronic illness or disability? For two decades as a Multiple Sclerosis spouse caregiver I have held a front row seat.
Any caregiver often assumes the role of medical information officer or family spokesperson.
Maybe it is about taking the heat off the person you care for. How many times can Patti answer the same questions?
Maybe it is about a phenomena that ‘inquiring minds’ when confronted with a person in a wheelchair and a standing caregiver for some reason seem to often direct their question to the standing person.
For whatever reason you do field the questions asked and unasked.
While a flawed logic, none the less there is logic to an individual as archetype. I know X, and X has MS, therefore I know MS.
For whatever reason inquiring minds seem drawn to that which they can see touch and feel over the abstract.
Through two decades of observing I have come to my own theory that sometimes it is simply about being remarkable.
Exhaustion and frustration may cloud any self perception that living with X is also about being remarkable.
However able bodied able minded people struggling through a mundane day may see one overcoming the challenges of living with X as extraordinary.
When you are ‘simply remarkable dahling’ … the questions follow you like paparazzi.
Caregivingly Yours, Patrick Leer
web site: http://caregivinglyyours.com/
videos: http://www.youtube.com/daddyleer