Monday, July 02, 2007

Caregiving: up a lazy river

Synchronizing an outing with care facility activities can provide a seamless and engaging day. For example this past Saturday rather than just arbitrarily take Patti out I paced myself to arrive after bingo. I found Patti rolling down the hall upbeat and particularly happy since she had won a game or two. 


We visited American MusicFest, but crowds began to confuse Patti. She enjoys scootering in wide open spaces (and at maximum speed) so we simply shifted to ‘plan B’ and cruised the banks of the Susquehanna River.  


          “Up a lazy river by the old mill stream"


          "Lazy river in the noon day sun"


          "Linger awhile in the shade of a tree"


      "Throw away your troubles, dream with me.”


“Lazy River” by Sid Arodin & Hoagy Carmichael.


When a day begins and ends with the maximum safety and attended care of a 24/7 care facility but can be filled with the best of both worlds it can be a beautiful day for all.


Caregivingly Yours, Patrick Leer


  1. Wow, you and Patti had a great day, and what a beautiful river.
    I bet you didn't want to leave.

  2. It sounds (and looks) like a great outting! How did you keep Patti from scootering (at maximum speed) off into the river (I looked but didn't see railings)? Do you have a method for keeping her safely (and dry, as well as the scooter) on the riverside?

  3. Excellent questions, Jackie! The pictures give a misleading perspective, she is not 'that' close to the edge. When scootering I am always between her and the river. Now if she wanted to bump me into the river that wouldn't be too hard. <grin>

    I sure hope commenting to one's own journal is not comparable to talking to one's self.

  4. (((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU)))))))))))))))))))She is so beatiful,I love the pics.Have a good evneing.

  5. {{{Patrick}}} Congrats on the CARES link, people can learn alot from you two! Take this wonderful outing and the compromise it took to make it fun for all. I know how much you love music. :)


  6. ...........I don't know how you do it, I am always impressed with your outings.


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