Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's Day - Fleeting Fluff

"But I'm the one who deserves the diamond journey pendant necklace and the roses, not the women with healthy husbands!" I have shoted this more than once at my TV as Valentine's Day nears and we are deluged with the ads of the jewelry, flowers, romantic overnight Valentine's packages at hotels, etc.

For many well spouses, Valentine's Day can be anything from horribly sad to downright annoying and aggravating, since we won't be getting gifts from our spouses who are too ill or disabled to recognize Valentine's Day. The Valentine's celebrations by the general public can leave the well spouse feeling dejected, bitter, and cast to the sidelines of life - feelings that we can experience on any day but that are perhaps magnified as we watch all the healthy, happy, functioning couples celebrating their love with special gifts.

But let's look at the February 14 hullabaloo more realistically. . . Read more...

Caregivingly Yours, Patrick Leer
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Patrick Ponders ...


  1. Great post. Everyday instead of just once a year. It is when Rick washes my hair because I can't. It is when I rub biofreeze on his back when its sore. It's the good and the bad. Happy Valentines day to you.

  2. Hi Patrick,

    Enjoy all there is to enjoy, there is always more than you think.

    I find it very frustrating that I can not go and buy a surprise for my darling or cook something special for him anymore.

    Despite our frustrations and pain at how our lives are now, we are still the sunshine in each others lives.

    Keep the sun shining in your life.]

    Take care and keep warm and cheerful.

    ps Thanks for your comment on my blog.

  3. that was a good thing to read Patrick; personally I have trouble with these these holidays of recognition like Valentine's Day or Father's/Mother's Day; we should love and honor every day not just a few "special" days. but I would imagine it would be hard to not think of other holidays when both spouses were abled and both spouses active participants in celebrations.

    in saying that,I hope the day was as good as it could be Patrick


  4. I have never had much of a positive view of great public days of pre-fabricated emotion so now I try to ignore rather than see them from a negative. I want the romance of valentine for my darling- she deserves it all- not that I was ever likely to give it to her. We live our lives the way we can now.Our relationship remains strong and romantic despite the loss of physical contact and I never let a chance pass to steal a kiss. I know couples with easier lives who never feel as loved as we make each other.
    Love is a many splendid thing and loving is many faceted.
    Not every one can find it in them to give unqualified love.
    You are a romantic hero Patrick!


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