Saturday, January 19, 2008

Caregiving: 'the walker'

'The walker' struggled down the hall, wall-walking as I remember Patti doing so many years ago. 


In those early days of Multiple Sclerosis Patti would have to grab anything and everything, most of which were never meant for support.


This walker rumbling with fate at least had the benefit of a railing built to assist walking.


(“Don’t stare, it’s not polite!” What caregiver and/or person in need has not heard that admonishment whispered in a crowd. I believe there is more courage to see in every forward step of 'the walker' than in a field full of athletes.)


At the end of the hall was an emergency exit door. Visually impaired 'the walker' did not notice the change from the bar along the wall to the panic bar to open the door.  


As 'the walker' put weight on the door’s panic bar the world exploded. In rushed a frigid January night while emergency exit alarms and lights wailed and strobed.


Staff impressively materialized out of thin air and calm was restored while Patti offered supervisory and non-G rated opinions about the racket.


Sometimes just a few moments of watching life, can almost feel allegorical.


Caregivingly Yours, Patrick Leer

musings from the lair of Cachalot


  1. I know those comments in the crowd well.....then it went on to trying to have a conversation with someone and instead of hearing the eloquence of my words, they stared or tried to look around me to the hearing aide, some even ignored me altogether to avoid staring....Now that I have Pickles they stare and I stare back proud as can be. Yes, I'm deaf no where near dead......

    Patti and you both continue to inspire me, doing what you can to make a living with one another despite the hardships that come her way. Stay safe and love the both of you. (Hugs) Indigo

  2. kudos to the walker for trying to ambulate; I'm sorry, Patrick, its not funny, but I laughed at your comment about Patti offering supervisory and non-G rated opinions.

    we just found out a friend of ours from Montana had gotten diagnosed with MS; he's got two young kids

    take care of Patti and take care of yourself


  3. ((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU)))))))))))))))))I seen my Grandma use a Walker,it helped Her alot before She had to use a wheel chair.I am 35,sometimes I feel I need to use a Walker.I have really bad Arthitis and my knees swell up all the time,its so bad at times,that I have to crawl down the stairs,which I am doing right now.I hope you ave a nice weekend.

  4. Thank you for sharing this. Boy is it so true.....the people and the walker. I do the same thing when I walk down our hallway to the kitchen. :o)

  5. mom is that 'walker'.  She carries her walker around the house and places it in several selected places but doesn't use it.....just hangs on to things,  sometimes it is me and I have bruises to prove it! lol


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