Friday, April 13, 2007

Caregiving: “Kudo to spouses of caregivers!”

Anyone who presumes to write knows that there are times that someone else takes it to another level. Sue of AOL Journal “A Day In My Life” wrote an entry

               Kudo to spouses of caregivers!

that took the topic of my previous entry to another dimension. It is a poignant and powerful read about caregiving. 


As a caregiver Sue has the unique vision and feelings of an extraordinary woman who cares for both her husband and mother.


Caregivingly Yours, Patrick Leer


  1.  I could sure relate to that entry today.  Thanks for sharing her link.


  2. (((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU)))))))))))))))))This is so amazing,to see wonderful people as you and Sue being caregivers to your loved ones.I thank you both for doing that.I will have to go check Her out.Have a good weekend.

  3. THank you, Patrick for steering me her way. I read her entry... my heart goes out to both of you, and others doing the same family service as their golden years approach. My thinking about retirement is rapidly changing this year because of you. I am now more interested in improving and maintaining my health, inasmuch as that is possible. I realize there are things that can happen to take that all away, but now I'm thinking that I may as well accept it as a fact rather than denying it could ever happen to us. If I accept it as a fact that one of us will need caregiving when we are older, then I won't be so shocked when it happens, and I'll have some idea of how to go about becoming a caregiver, or being the one cared for if I am incapacitated. This is so difficult to talk about on the one hand, because neither of us are ill... yet on the other hand, I keep remembering your story, and the suddeness of the onset of Patty's disability. So the plain truth is that either one of us will be a caregiver/patient, or widowed/widower. Either way requires a new thought pattern, and a change in lifestyle. I have learned from you that life doesn't end because one's partner becomes disabled and metacognitively challenged... it changes. Bea


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