“Back to School” is one of those memory stops on a family’s timeline. Keeping Patti involved in our lives is always a capricious tempting of fate. As our daughter begins her senior year of high school, it seemed worth an attempt.
‘Living with MS’ has a hidden alchemy, any outing can become an odyssey. Thursday was 11th hour “back to school” clothes shopping. Of course, at this age all we really get to do is pay. <grin> So all the more it seemed a fairly safe opportunity for family time. MS had other plans. “Loopy” is the best scientific description I can offer. Mental confusion was abnormally high for Patti, this in turn complicated everything. Transferring approached bizarre when Patti’s concern with falling caused her to refuse to even try to exit the car at the mall.
Sunday had all the tangible and intangible indicators of a good day for some family time at home to close out the summer. Again MS flared and overwhelmed the day. Not one, not two, but three “accidents” resulting in changes of Depends, clothing, and associated clean up knocked out family plans and dinner. Thank goodness I have maintained home caregiving supplies and changes of clothing.
Frustration becomes my invisible friend ‘reviewing’ the decisions involved. As the carer / caregiver I was the catalyst. Ignoring the opportunity and moment was an option. However, I firmly believe you have to keep trying to move out of the shadows. Not all well intended plans succeed. MS is a formidable foe. An undefeated record is an invention of the games people play - not caregiving.