Monday, April 16, 2007

Caregiving: school shootings

I remember Kent State. I was enrolled at the University of Maryland when news of the tragic shootings at Kent State rippled through the campus.


I remember Columbine. I was a parent of an 11 year old student when the shootings half way across the country at Columbine High School numbed the nation.


I will remember Virginia Tech. Today my daughter is a freshman in college. While she does not attend Virginia Tech, I have dear friends with a student enrolled there only 6 hrs away. Fortunately he called home to say he was OK, just as the news was first breaking.


Every time this happens I can only imagine the nightmare of families not knowing and somehow waiting through the longest day of their lives. For some it will end unimaginably tragic.


Caregiving has taught me to take nothing for granted but I still want to believe that there should be sanctuaries of safety and growth.


In just a few days, on April 19th it will be 232 years since the “shot heard around the world” echoed through history from Lexington Green and gave birth to this Nation.   …   No where in the world should shots be echoing from schools.


  1. (((((((((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU))))))))))))))))))))))Its a sad day for Virginia tech,the students,the parents who lost there child,the ones who are still in the hosiptal.I cant even imagin,cant even think about it.It saddens me so much.What is this world comming to?

  2.  I am sick with horror and saddness when I heard the news today.  I simply can not comprehend what would make anyone do something so terrible.  My heart breaks for the families.


  3. Geez, Patrick.... I didn't hear about this until i opened your blog. I've sinced turned on Foxx... It's sickening....When I decided to get my teaching degree the first thing my sister said was how dangerous it is.  It can be it seems. Just a few weeks ago, I saw where a teacher in a PA high school was beaten because he took an  IPod away from a student.

  4. It was 4:00 pm before I heard about it. I was stunned. This is proof that there is nowhere on this planet where anyone can be safe. We can never take that for granted here. I don't think we have, really. We try to think past the reality and make good in whatever way we can despite the evil that may come our way in the least likeliest places. Bea

  5. As a teacher there's nothing scarier than a lockdown.  You never know if the enemy is in your classroom--or outside of it.
    You don't know why they are doing it or what the threat is--all you know is--lock your doors and keep your kids.
    This is where you start breaking school rules--you want to play cards--go ahead.  You want to watch Jerry Springer--go ahead--just mute it when the PA system comes on.  You want to do your hair and make-up--ok--feel free.  This is where you just try to stay calm and keep the kids calm.

    I don't stay calm too terribly well.  I pace.  I find myself walking back and forth between the door and the desk.  I find myself hovering around the light switch.  My little brother is a cop and he says if someone starts shooting in the room--turn off the lights and get the kids to throw stuff at him/her.  

    Security puts stray kids in my room.  They need somewhere to put them--so they take their back packs away and stick them with me--they know I won't complain.  I always write the kids names down--so if we have to evacuate I know who I have to find.  Security pats them down for weapons before they are allowed in--so that doesn't scare me too much.

    Proportionately in the year 2000, more teachers were shot on the job than police officers.


  6. one is safe. This tragedy was compounded at our home.


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