Sunday, March 13, 2011

MS awareness a crossword puzzle

Even awareness is puzzling when it comes to Multiple Sclerosis. March is “MS Awareness” month or week in the US. May is “MS Awareness” month in Canada. Internationally, World MS Day will be May 25th

So why not a Sunday crossword puzzle dedicated to MS awareness?
A blog reader has the choice to click on the picture, print it out, and work the puzzle.

Patti and millions throughout the world have no choice as these life altering symptoms and more cruelly fill in the building blocks of their lives.  

Need the answer key to the crossword? I edited it into the close of a Feb. 2009 entry, EVERY DAY is MS Awareness Month / Week If only answers to living with Multiple Sclerosis were so easy. 

Caregivingly Yours, Patrick Leer 
web site: 


  1. Great post, Patrick, and your parting shot says it all. Sigh ...

  2. I got a lot of it completed; will have to come back when I'm a bit more fresher. I think it is good to have the awareness months about MS. I wish one day there would be a day to celebrate that MS is a thing of the past; not sure if we will see it though in our lifetimes, but one can wish and hope......


  3. The puzzle is a great point to make. We are a puzzle :) Thanks for the awareness also


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