Monday, April 11, 2011

wheelchair friendly Gettysburg MS Walk 2011

Wheelchair accessible is subjective. Wheelchair friendly – now, that is embraceable.

MS Walks (Walk MS) are the signature fundraising events for National Multiple Sclerosis Society in the US.

Unfortunately the word ‘walk’ and Multiple Sclerosis do not exactly associate. As a MS spouse caregiver of 21 years understanding marketing gurus is beyond my credentials. On the other hand appreciating the success of that fundraising is hard to deny. The millions and millions and millions of dollars raised benefits both research and those living with MS. Our wheelchair accessible van benefits from the financial assistance program National MS Society.

Like all bigger issues it eventually boils down to a moment in time, a few hours one Sunday a year when living with MS is not the exception but the reason people gather together.

The Gettysburg MS Walk was certifiably wheelchair friendly!  No curb cuts, no cracked and uneven sidewalks, no significant incline or decline to terrain. More than just an awareness of accessibility but an ‘understanding’ defined the event, a casual and social 1 mile lap through the park. If you wanted more exercise go take as many laps as you want. Common sense is such a treat.
Wheelchair friendly may even be an understatement. Wheelchair welcoming might be better. “Abe” (Jim Getty) could have been just a photo op, but no he took the time to chat with Patti as Abe Lincoln. Everything from parking to registration through waiting for the Walk to start to snacks and socializing afterwards was personally so friendly and welcoming.

At the core of it all is Patti’s Pride a team of family and friends that rallies around Patti. Year after year whether beating fundraising goals or showing up to push and walk – they rock!
Improving on a formula for success goes too often unheralded. The Gettysburg MS Walk coordinators, committee and volunteers, IMHO, simply created a ‘better’ MS Walk model - they may have re-invented the MS Walk.
Caregivingly Yours, Patrick Leer 


  1. Abe looked very authentic I do believe!! For some reason (probably my computer) the sound didn't work on the video (I did have it turned on, LOL) but it does look like it was a nice time/adventure for your team!! I think it definitely sounded like a very friendly place to hold the walk this year too!!


  2. Sounds like a well thought out event...Patti's Pride...great name for friends / supporters of the lioness.


  3. Fantastic! The "Walk" that I take part in is not so wheelchair friendly. My sister and I go every year and my husband usually avoids it like the plague but this year he has his motorized chair - wonder if maybe he will go now?

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. On behalf of the Gettysburg WalkMS 2011 we want to thank you for your thoughtful and gracious comments about the walk for multiple sclerosis earlier this month in Gettysburg. Thank you so much for making this available. The video is terrific! Well done by friend.

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