With local neighborhoods wrapping up their Walk MS (formerly known as MS Walk) it is time for Hollywood.
In case your postal worker kept your invitation …
“We Heart to Erase MS”
FRIDAY, MAY 2, 2008
"… Tickets start at $1,000. To purchase tickets for the event, please call (310) 440-4842.
Co-Chairs Nancy Davis and Tommy Hilfiger welcome celebrity friends including Forest and Keisha Whitaker, Natalie Cole, Sharon Osbourne, Ray Romano, Teri Garr, Rachel Hunter, Harry Hamlin, Daisy Fuentes and many more …"
Auction items include a shopping trip with Paris Hilton. ... I wonder if you can bid with an economic stimulus check. <grin>
Multiple Sclerosis knows no socio economic lines. Co-chairs, Nancy Davis has MS and Tommy Hilfiger’s sister has MS.
Last year's event raised 2.5 million dollars.
NOW ... outside the lights of Hollywood …
"Paying for healthcare is reflected not only in family budgets but in life decisions," said Drew E. Altman, president of the Kaiser Family Foundation. Economic Problems Facing Families, April 2008
… some families have to choose between paying medical bills and buying items such as food.
37% indicated they had suffered financial troubles over the past five years due to medical bills.
17% used all of most of their savings to foot the bill for medical costs.
12% were unable to pay for basic necessities such as food, heat, or housing as a result of medical bills.
7% said they or someone in their household married so they could have access to a spouse's health care plan.
Are these two Americas or are we looking at apples and oranges?
$2.5 million in a night even from the gilded is no easy feat and generous by any standards. Choosing to split a pill in half to eat is determined resilience. Both are examples of the best of what makes this country what it is.
What we NEED are political leaders that have a clue.
Caregivingly Yours, J Patrick Leer
musings: www.lairofcachalot.blogspot.com
website: www.CaregivinglyYours.com
videos: http://www.youtube.com/daddyleer
(also available in Blogger edition, Caregiver Blog: "Caregivingly Yours")