Sharing the trial and error learned lessons of a MS spouse caregiver / carer about family, home care, and transition to the care facility era from 23 years of living with Multiple Sclerosis as a family ... a ‘warts and all’ picture of living with MS.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
a caregiver reflects on the R-Word
Monday, March 30, 2009
Caring, Care Facility, Desecration
From the News & Observer of Raleigh, North Carolina:

Sunday, in our corner of the care facility universe, Patti was having a challenging day with Multiple Sclerosis symptoms of short term memory loss, cognitive impairment and fatigue. She was more cantankerous than aware of any news and world events.
An outing of Chinese carry-out with her parents, brother, and me … plus ‘ciggies’ made for a world of a different Sunday for her.
Caring will go on because it must go on!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Guide for Uninsured Multiple Sclerosis Patients
A shout out from Caregivingly Yours to MS Maze for the above most excellent and timely guide.
Beyond NO insurance or inadequate insurance, LOSS of insurance is increasingly haunting families living with chronic illnesses.
"As the economic crisis worsens … the number of uninsured citizens will grow. In February 2009, more than eight percent of Americans were unemployed and 1.1 million of them will become uninsured with each one percent increase in unemployment.” Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-MA)
One thing for sure about trickle down theories, shi#t does trickle down on those that can least afford it.
Exhaust the ‘guide’ ideas for help. Gambling with your health by medication skipping, ignoring symptoms or such is not the wisest course.
Caregivingly Yours, Patrick Leer
web site:
musings: Patrick Ponders ...
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
"What's up with anal probing?"
Not by aliens, I believe, but then again I slept through the whole experience so who knows.
Harassed for years at my annual physical to get a colonoscopy I had successfully dodged, delayed, and canceled all previous attempts.
Omens were not good as I followed my instructions and went looking for Fleet Phospho-Soda. Fleet had recalled the product, something about lawyers and renal failure.
Plan B was NuLytely, a gallon jug with powder in it and some flavor packets. You chug a glass wait a couple minutes and chug some more, brought back memories of old college drinking games.
Eventually after hours on the commode, I found myself debating the definition of a clear stool with the jug, not unlike Tom Hanks talking to his volleyball Wilson in “Cast Away”.
ANYTHING and EVERYTHING else was easy.
I weighed about 5 lbs less. Walking around with my extremely clean butt hanging out of the backless gown was somewhat exhilarating.
I remember chatting with the anesthesiologist and then I remember waking up. From the time I arrived to walking away was under 90 minutes and most of that was waiting and sleeping. My proctologist swore to me that I had a colonoscopy and everything was just fine.
Patti endured a colonoscopy a couple years earlier, a monumental caregiving challenge when non-ambulatory and both bowel and bladder incontinent due to Multiple Sclerosis. Without the assistance of her Mom and cousin (a former care facility worker) I cannot even imagine how her prep could have been possible or safe.
She too passed with flying colors.
Considering this all costs a couple thousand dollars and with 40%+ of Americans without medical insurance, this whole Colorectal Cancer campaign may be approaching a moot point with our failing US health care system.
Or worse:
“Thousands of veterans … may have been exposed to hepatitis and HIV because of contaminated equipment after getting colonoscopies …”
Possible contamination at VA facilities sparks call for inquiry
Caregivingly Yours, Patrick Leer
web site:
musings: Patrick Ponders ...
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Mentally Ill A Threat In Nursing Homes?
Now that was a helluva head line to read especially if you have a family member or friend living in a 24/7 care facility.
Reading on and learning that a woman with Multiple Sclerosis and dementia started a fire at a Connecticut nursing home killing 16 other residents was a vivid reminder of the day Patti while still at home with Multiple Sclerosis and the onset of her dementia like symptoms accidentally set our stove on fire.
A litany of tragic incidents in the AP story leaves you wondering about the Saturday morning fire that killed 4 developmentally disabled people at the New York State Office of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities group home in Wells, NY.
The AP story offers several reasons from closing of mental institutions to the business of filling rooms at nursing homes.
I would propose two others. First aging home caregivers, a mentally disabled adult may have been a mentally disabled child. Parent caregivers may have died or can no longer care for them physically and/or economically. Second a failing health care system with far more have nots than haves.
Caring about people can never be about warehousing people whether they are frail and elderly or disabled and young.
Caregivingly Yours, Patrick Leer
web site:
musings: Patrick Ponders ...
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
caregiving on the Conodoquinet
For us, not only an outing but an 'adventure', somewhere we had never been before. I am the first to say this is rarely a good idea when a wheelchair is involved, but I was in the mood to create accessible if need be.
We found an abandoned Willow Mill Speedway, a racing track

Even the maintenance buildings have been touched by the brush of a bemused painter.

Caregivingly Yours, Patrick Leer
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
The Saint Patrick You Never Knew
“…The saints are for everyone—believer, unbeliever, Christian, non-Christian—it doesn't really matter. They are the people who say by their lives that human life is valuable—that my life is valuable—and that there is a reason for living. Without them, history would just be one horror after another."
“Some 1,500 years ago a teenage boy from what is now Great Britain was kidnapped and enslaved … . Not since Paris absconded with Helen of Troy has a kidnapping so changed the course of history.
And so it was that a young Briton named Patricius died an Irishman named Patrick. And neither Ireland nor Christianity was ever quite the same.”
From an interview with author Thomas Cahill in St. Anthony Messenger, “The Saint Patrick You Never Knew”.
- St. Patrick is the first male Christian since Jesus to praise women, speaking of women as individuals, lauding their strength and courage.
- St. Patrick is the first human being in the history of the world to speak out unequivocally against slavery.
- A better advocate than St. Patrick cannot be found for anyone disadvantaged, living on the fringes of society, or excluded—people that no one else wants anything to do with.
- A mystic who felt the presence of God in every turn of the road.
- It is Patrick's conversion of Ireland that makes possible the preservation of Western thought through the early Dark Ages by the Irish monasteries founded by Patrick's successors.
- The first to introduce Christianity outside Greco-Roman civilization.
- By converting the Irish to Christianity without making any attempt to romanize them as well, he founded a new kind of Church, one that was both Catholic and primitive. More joyful and celebratory (than its Roman predecessor) in the way it approaches the natural world. Not a theology of sin but of the goodness of creation.
When Irish eyes are smiling,
Sure, 'tis like the morn in Spring.
In the lilt of Irish laughter
You can hear the angels sing.
When Irish hearts are happy,
All the world seems bright and gay.
And when Irish eyes are smiling,
Sure, they steal your heart away.
(by Chauncey Olcott and George Graff, Jr.)
Beannachtaí Lá Fhéile Pádraig
(Blessings of St. Patrick’s Day!)
Caregivingly Yours, Patrick Leer
web site:
musings: Patrick Ponders ...
Monday, March 16, 2009
care facility era: 5th anniversary
An unremarkable, in fact, unnoticed benchmark for Patti, not so for me. Spent part of the day in my head beating myself up because Multiple Sclerosis progression had won. Even though I had juggled 14 years of home care for Patti and single parenting our daughter, the macho voice on my shoulder reminded me I had still lost.
Arriving to pick Patti up for an outing I jumped in helping the aides change Patti’s Depends and clothing with a stand-up lift. I was snapped out of my funk by the comradie, banter, and laughter between them all.
Knocking the macho voice off my shoulder, YES this was far better than 5 years ago in the twilight of homecare.
Providing the ol’ traditional basic needs of food/water, shelter, and clothing is not enough. Safety and healthcare ARE basic needs for someone living with Multiple Sclerosis.
In the twilight of homecare, Patti was falling multiple times a day and increasingly placing herself and others in at risk situations.
Patti can STILL develop other health issues and even more so because of an out of whack immune system from MS. Medical attention can be complicated by trying to juggle transportation and appointments around a home caregiver’s schedule.
Safety and healthcare have become NON-ISSUES in the care facility era, now at her need 24/7.
“Home” was my battle flag for homecare.
However, MS dementia like symptoms of cognitive progression plus total bowel and bladder incontinence changed the definition of home. When visiting meant possibly changing an adult diaper well you suddenly have no friends. Home became increasingly isolated.
It took awhile to get used to teamwork. However now, in the extended care facility era, three shifts a day of fresh, professional and kind people provide 24/7 attended care and companionship. Patti has never expressed a second thought. Additionally, Patti’s parents visit with her 3-4 afternoons a week. 4.5 evenings a week I pick her up for outings and/or dinners at home then tuck her into bed myself at her care facility.
Yes, as the macho voice on my shoulder reminds me, I still lost the home caregiving battle. However with the echoes of laughter from a Depend change in my head I know this is the better course for all of us.
Caregivingly Yours, Patrick Leer
web site:
musings: Patrick Ponders ...
Sunday, March 15, 2009
accessible travel
Amen! Amen! Amen!
I can not even count how many times I have to “walk the ground” first before attempting to take Patti somewhere either in her wheelchair or scooter.
Hours of telephone conversations, if not even a pre-visit, have been necessary to determine exactly what is meant by an “accessible bathroom” in order to stay at a hotel.
The word “accessible” may as well be definition-less.
A shout out from Caregivingly Yours to Craig Grimes!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
MS Awareness: a fairy tale of two people
"Movie writers would never dream up a fairytale of two people with

Combined, Dan and Jennifer have taken on this chronic illness for more than 20 years. Jennifer was diagnosed in 1997; Dan was diagnosed two years later. She has secondary-progressive MS, while his is relapsing-remitting."
Dan and Jennifer Digmann
Caregivingly Yours, Patrick Leer
web site:
musings: Patrick Ponders ...
Sunday, March 08, 2009
MS Awarness: right to die, right to live
In the US, Dr. Jack Kevorkian assisted in the choices of over a hundred people to die. Multiple Sclerosis and Lou Gehrig's disease (ALS) were the most common diagnoses.
One of those with MS wrote that he feared living in "one of those rat-infested nursing homes to be warehoused by `Nurse Ratched,'", others worried over the toll of years of long term care on their loved ones, others feared struggling alone.
I can understand people fearing that if they become disabled with Multiple Sclerosis they'll have no choice in how they live.
Our culture and media is obsessed with able bodied mythology. Even MS specific publications and pharmaceutical marketing slant toward MS-lite, leaving MS-max in a shadowy unknown.
In our story, yes Patti’s life has dramatically changed. She did not know that Multiple Sclerosis would by her mid 40’s mean that each day she would be dependent on others to get out of bed, to get dressed, to cut up her food and help feed her. Non-ambulatory, every bladder and bowel movement would be in her pants and necessitate others to clean and change her. Visual and cognitive impairment would block her into a world within a world.
Yet for Patti to survive every such day and want to get up and face another takes heroic courage and a will to live that few of us may have.
We all from individuals, to families, to societies need to focus more on caring with dignity.
MS or not, we are ALL going to one day know or love someone who can no longer take care of themselves, even ourselves.
Caregivingly Yours, Patrick Leer
web site:
musings: Patrick Ponders ...
Thursday, March 05, 2009
MS Awareness "put it out there"
“forgive me for not capitalizing as i have ms and limited use of my left arm.
i wanted to thank you very much for "putting it out there."
How do people with Multiple Sclerosis share in this 21st Century?
In our story, Patti cannot journal herself because of MS visual and cognitive impairment, lack of use of her left arm, and unpredictable control of her right.
Do MS stories make some Dickensonian passage from MS past, MS present, and MS yet to come?
Yes, no, and maybe. Multiple Sclerosis symptoms and progression tend to be unique as well as are the support and resources available to each person.
More progressive MS and advanced MS symptoms unquestionably require more effort to communicate. Yet, sharing YOUR story may help another to discover that they are not alone. Otherwise cyberspace, by default, becomes a phantom’s mask revealing only part of the face of MS.
“not only am i living with ms but my husband also has the disease. … (your website) helped me look at this disease from both perspectives.”
I am always humbled by the reach of Caregivingly Yours. From my original entry: “Why share? … most people will have to walk this path eventually. Why buy some book, feel free to peek in. … This new world of journals or blogs or whatever seems worth a try.” “Caregivingly Yours” April 27, 2004
Journals/blogs read in reverse chronological order and eventually demand necessitated a website. If someone had just found our story, it was challenging to ‘cut to the chase’ through years of entries. A website gives you and the reader more control, of course it costs you money whereas journaling is free.
Network Solutions® offers a reasonable priced do it yourself web site package including domain name and web site building tool “for dummies”.
If considering sharing I recommend trying a journal/blog first simply because it is a free way to test the waters of cyberspace. Google’s Blogger I have found easy to work with.
Most important of all, just say it. Just “put it out there”.
Discovering you are not alone is a beacon anytime, any where.
Caregivingly Yours, Patrick Leer
web site:
musings: Patrick Ponders ...
Sunday, March 01, 2009
MS Awareness - Visual Impairment
Patti: “Patrick, is that you?”
Standing less than six feet from Patti I flashed on memories of when we first dated over 25 years ago before Multiple Sclerosis.
Patti would remove her glasses and squint her way around. I used to joke that she reminded me of Mr. Magoo. “Magoo” became an affectionate nickname.
“Hey! Magoo.” I answered.
Her smile beamed in on ‘the shape’ that now days her “legally blind” vision masks in the blur of MS visual impairment.
While the above is how MS visual impairment impacts one family, OUR family, check out this link from the UK Multiple Sclerosis Society for the nuts and bolts of:
Visual Impairment in MS
Speaking of vision, this able-vision caregiver and snow lover had to blink twice this morning to make sure I was not dreaming. Two inches of winter beauty dressed the day.
web site:
musings: Patrick Ponders ...
Blog Archive
- a caregiver reflects on the R-Word
- Caring, Care Facility, Desecration
- Guide for Uninsured Multiple Sclerosis Patients
- "What's up with anal probing?"
- Mentally Ill A Threat In Nursing Homes?
- caregiving on the Conodoquinet
- The Saint Patrick You Never Knew
- care facility era: 5th anniversary
- accessible travel
- MS Awareness: a fairy tale of two people
- MS Awarness: right to die, right to live
- MS Awareness "put it out there"
- MS Awareness - Visual Impairment