I stared
speechless as people with mounting enthusiasm babbled on over the ‘how and what’
of NASA landing some new lawnmower on Mars.
Not just
any lawnmower but a $2.6 billion dollar mower named Curiosity. Well the only 'curiosity' germane to the conversation IMHO was here Patti was sitting in a
wheelchair because of a disease she has had since 1985 named Multiple Sclerosis.
I was told NASA people
are a different kind of scientist, they couldn’t cure a disease if it fell on them. OK then what about the wheelchair that has not basically been redesigned
in almost 100 years. If I wanted to send it to Mars they certainly could
improve it; however they do not perform science on earth.
more money, $5 billion a month or so, is wasted in Afghanistan far more than the $2.6
billion NASA wasted on Mars. Go harass the military industrial complex. Fine with me, we
have no business occupying either place. So now I basically have $62.6 billion for
a year (minus unemployment for space workers and some graft for politicians)
left to spend on curing MS. Works for me!
course that’s my problem I’m stuck in this parallel universe. In the other universe,
the real one, since Sylvia Lawry founded NMSS in 1946 after 70 years of
fundraising they have managed to raise and invested only $600 million in research and have no cure to
show for it. (Wow, that’s less than 1% of the pile of money in my universe).
you say I’m being greedy about MS (a rare disease) and am not thinking about
the future of everyone. … I have considered what our bright young people might
aspire to if we stop invading Mars and Afghanistan. - OMG they might aspire to
cure disease on earth!!!!
I for
one would gladly start with just one cured disease over all the lawnmowers on Mars.
by Patrick Leer
Caregivingly Yours, MS Caregiver @ http://caregivinglyyours.blogspot.com/
My Lung Cancer Odyssey @ http://lung-cancer-survivor.blogspot.com/